BPFA Board Member Christine DeFilippis sat down with Speaker, Writer, Activist and Researcher, Ragen Chastain for a live learning. As a leading voice in the body positivity and Health at Every Size (HAES) movements, Ragen brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Far too often, the fitness industry perpetuates harmful myths and stereotypes about body size and health. Ragen debunks these myths and shares evidence-based research on weight, fitness, and health.

Here’s a peek at what Ragen covered during the session:
●Understanding Weight-Neutral Fitness: the concept of weight-neutral fitness and its importance in promoting inclusive and accessible health and wellness practices.
●Exploring Research on Weight, Fitness, and Health: Get ready to dive deep into the latest research surrounding weight, fitness, and health. Ragen unpacks common misconceptions and sheds light on the truth behind the data.
●Marketing Weight-Neutral Fitness: Learn how to effectively market weight-neutral fitness programs and services. Ragen shares valuable insights and strategies for reaching diverse audiences and creating inclusive spaces.
●Debunking Myths Around Larger Bodies: challenge stereotypes and dismantle harmful myths about larger bodies. Prepare to be enlightened and inspired!

Whether you’re a fitness professional, health enthusiast, or simply curious about alternative approaches to wellness, this event is for you. Join us for an enlightening conversation with Ragen Chastain & Christine DeFilippis and discover a new perspective on health and fitness.

Don’t miss out on this empowering opportunity to embrace every body and celebrate the beauty of diversity!