What’s better than connecting with smart, fun, thoughtful FitPros from around the world to move in joyful ways and talk about fitness, business, and life? Hint: pretty much nothing!

That’s why we host the annual BPFA Inclusive FitPro Summit!

In just a few weeks – on May 20th-21st – we’ll be meeting in Toronto, Canada to learn, connect, move, and grow together as a community. Toronto is awesome, and the in-person experience is hard to beat. (You can sign up for that here.) But we know that travel isn’t accessible to everyone, so you also have the opportunity to attend the BPFA Summit virtually!

The Virtual Summit brings you all the same amazing presenters as the in-person experience tailored to an online environment. Whether the speaker is in person or tuning in virtually themselves, you have full access to their live presentation *and* the ability to ask questions and interact in real time! 

Breakout groups and interaction are a huge part of what makes Summit unique and successful, and we don’t want our virtual friends to miss out on that experience! While the in-person folks are doing small-group work in Canada, we’ll be doing small-group sessions together online. So you still have the opportunity to connect with other fitpros and draw immediate connections from each presentation to your own practice with the BPFA team as your guide.

Speaking of your guide, Virtual Summit is hosted by BPFA Board Member Katie Feeley. Katie has attended and presented at all the past Summits in person, but will be leading the remote team this year from her home base in Wilmington, DE USA. 

What can you expect from Virtual Summit?

  • We’ll be using Zoom to connect virtually to all the happenings in Toronto including all speakers and movement workshops.
  • Using chat and audio features, you can ask questions and interact with all the speakers whether they’re presenting in Toronto or virtually.
  • Small-group breakout sessions following every presentation. These are led online by Katie, and the presenter will also check in on each group for some real-time feedback.
  • Opportunities to connect to the presenters, the BPFA Board, and other Summit attendees throughout the weekend

What Virtual Summit is *not*:

  • A passive experience. Come prepared to learn and interact!
  • A bunch of talking heads. Every presenter is super passionate about what they do, and they want to help you – specifically you – get what you need and use it to help your little corner of the health & fitness world. We’ve assembled a diverse team of BoPo Superheroes here!
  • Just another CEC checkbox. Yes, you can get CECs from attending Summit, but we care more about giving you the tools to be successful in your body positive practice and the connections with other fitpros to keep you motivated and supported.

These are all the presentations you’ll experience during Summit Weekend. (Click here to view the detailed schedule and presenter bios.)

  • “5 Ways FitPros Can Utilize Intuitive Eating with Clients” – Leah Tsui, MS, RDN, LDN
  • “Creativity Moves You: Unlocking the Creativity that Movement Brings” – Dr. Kate Herald Brown
  • “Friendly Competition: Creating a Fitness Environment that is Both Competitive and Welcoming” – Dr. Laura Vineyard, Katie M. Feeley
  • “Kettlebell Fundamentals” – Damali Fraiser
  • “What Toxic Fitness Is and Isn’t” + Morning Movement Session – Vysh Sivakumaran, CPTN-PT
  • “Deconstructing the Fitness Industrial Complex” – authors Justice Williams and Damali Fraiser
  • “Menopause Fitness: It’s Time to Change the ‘Game’” – Samantha Montpetit-Huynh, CPTN-PT, PFS, NWS, Pfilates
  • “Expansive Marketing Practices” – Kat Horzempa

BONUS! Every Summit registration includes 6 months of access to BPFA’s Online Inclusive FitPro community. Keep your new connections fresh in our interactive online space. We host all kinds of things online throughout the year including Live Learning sessions (monthly), Office Hours with the BPFA Board (monthly), live movement sessions, and more!

Need more Summit info?

Click here to view the full Summit schedule, along with presenter bios and more!

Click here to register for the Virtual Summit or the In-Person Experience.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions! We can be reached by email at bodypositivefitnessalliance@gmail.com. See you in Toronto and online!